Webpage of Davide Barbarossa

Depuis les Grecs qui dit mathématique dit démonstration.
-- Nicolas Bourbaki (Éléments de mathématique; Théorie des ensembles).

Who am I ? Where am I ?
My name is Davide Barbarossa
(not to be confused with drummer David Barbarossa,
even though I also love drums)

Born on 12/10/1994 in Rome (Italy)
Natural languages: Italian, French, English
Artificial languages: Assembly, C, Coq , Java, Python, Shell Unix
Marseille 2023, top of Notre Dame de la Garde
Department of Computer Science
University of Bath
Bath, BA2 7AY
United Kingdom

Office: 1 West 4.51
Email = x. db2437xbath.ac.uk)@


Since 01/2024, I am a post-doctoral Research Associate in the Mathematical foundations of computation group of the the Department of Computer Science of the University of Bath.
I work within Thomas Powell's EPSRC project Imperative Programs from Proofs.






Page maintained by Davide Barbarossa